Ethiopian nekisse beans

After the New Orleans Coffee Festival, Mr. Bouillie received a bit of lagniappe from the good people over at Orleans Coffee Exchange:  a small supply of Ethiopian nekisse beans.  The nekisse is a hand-picked, single-origin coffee, and the beans are dried inside the fruit (aka the coffee cherry).  This lends the beans a pronounced fruity flavor (blueberry, to my palate) and layers of subtle fragrance.  Drinking it was interesting–an intensely flavored, lightly acid cup, almost floral in intensity (brewed in an Aero Press, if you care about such things).  So distinctive, in fact, I doubt I would want to drink more than an occasional cup.

Nekisse gained a bit of fame earlier this year, when Manhattan coffee shop Cafe Grumpy began selling it for $12 a cup.

2 thoughts on “Ethiopian nekisse beans

  1. It seems (to me, the coffee drinker not at full geek status) overly fussy. Coffee made with the AeroPress is a bit stronger than the brew from a standard french press, but with less body than mokka pot coffee.

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